LAW Homecoming:
25 Years of Fellowship
Friday, September 20, 2013
7:00 pm
Lil' Abner Hotel Picnic Shelter,
1000 Natural Bridge Road, Slade, KY
Calling all LAW demonstrators, volunteers, and sponsors, past and present!
In honor of LAW's silver anniversary, the LAW Steering Committee invites all past and present LAW supporters to a homecoming celebration. LAW's devoted demonstrators, volunteers, and sponsors have made the event what it is today. LAW doesn't simply have a great message. LAW has a great vibe because of the warmth, commitment, and energy of the people who organize and deliver the event.
Join us for recollecting, story swapping, and toasting as Living Archaeology Weekend turns 25. For those interested, ethnographers will be available to formally record memories and experiences in order to commemorate this important milestone and to preserve its history.
Veteran LAW organizers and demonstrators, Johnny Faulkner (right), Larry Meadows (middle), and Cecil Ison (left).